Monday, October 12, 2009
Hardware needed
1. 20 x Client PCs
2. 1 x PC to control Clients a.k.a Server
2. 1 x 24 ports Switch (or Hub?)
3. 1 x Modem with built-in Router because it is easier to have modem with built-in router (broadband modem).
5. 1 x Printer - any brand
6. 1 x Scanner - any brand
7. 20 x USB extender (If only the USB ports are in the back)
Client PCs x 20 units
Minimum specification to run internet applications, office applications and games. It is important to have the same specification on all the clients system to minimum maintenance job.
1. Processor - at least Pentium 4
2. 40GB Hard Disk Drive
3. 256MB RAM Memory
4. Monitor - 15" or 17" or 21"!
5. Motherboard - Good brand with Integrated sound and VGA but separated AGP card is the best!
6. Keyboard & Mouse - Any good brand keyboard and mouse with scroll.
7. Speaker or Headphone with Microphone
8. 100Mbps Network Card
9. CDRW Drive (optional)
10. Web Cam (optional)
Server PC x 1 units
Not so important, at least can run cyber cafe management software is good enough. But more number of clients means higher specification needed.
1. Processor - at least Pentium 4
2. 20 - 40GB Hard Disk Drive
3. 256MB RAM Memory
4. Monitor - 15"
5. Motherboard - Good brand with Integrated sound and VGA
6. Keyboard & Mouse - Any good brand keyboard and mouse with scroll.
7. 100Mbps Network Card
9. CDRW Drive (optional)
10. Web Cam (optional)
Softwares in Clients
Most needed application by customers. It is important to have the same applications on all the clients system to minimum maintenance job.
1. Operating System - Win98, WinMe or WinXP
2. Office Suite - Ms Office or
3. Browser - Internet Explorer, FireFox or Netscape Navigator
4. Adobe Reader
5. File Compressor - Winzip or WinRar
6. QuickTime
7. Media Player - WinAmp5 and Window Media Player
8. Messenger - ICQ, Yahoo, MSN and AOL
9. Anti Virus - Norton AntiVirus or McAffee
10. CD Burning Utility - Nero or Alcohol (optional)
11. Reboot Restoration Utility - Deepfreeze or Norton Goback, or Juzt Reboot card (optional). Although it is optional, I think it will reduce almost 95% of internet cafe's maintenance. Think about it!
Softwares in Server
Preferably the same with clients, because it is easier to troubleshoot problem if something happen.
1. Operating System - Win98, WinMe or WinXP
2. Office Suite - Ms Office or
3. Browser - Internet Explorer, FireFox or Netscape Navigator
4. Adobe Reader
5. File Compressor - Winzip or WinRar
6. QuickTime
7. Media Player - WinAmp5 and Window Media Player
8. Messenger - ICQ, Yahoo, MSN and AOL
9. Anti Virus - Norton AntiVirus or McAffee
10. CD Burning Utility - Nero or Alcohol (optional)
11. Internet Cafe Management Software - CCAutoSoft
Games to Choose
These are the most wanted games in the Internet Cafe or Gaming Center.
1. Half-Life, Half-Life2
2. Conter Strike
3. Need For Speed Underground 1 & 2
4. Warcraft 3
5. Doom 3
6. Everquest2
7. Galaxy LightSpeed
8. Halo for PC
9. Star Wars Galaxies
10. Battlefield 1942
11. Secret Weapons and Vietnam
12. Rise of Nations
13. Home World 2
14. Solider of Fortune
15. City of Heroes
16. Final Fantasy XI
17. Command and Conquer
18. Midtown Madness 1 & 2
19. Bass Fishing
20. House of the Dead 1 & 2
Most women won’t experience any noticeable early pregnancy symptoms until the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, several days after conception. Some women don’t experience any indication of pregnancy before they miss a periods. Some of the early pregnancy symptoms you may experience are that your breast will probably become increasingly tender in a similar way to the way you feel before you have your period. You may experience a tingling sensation in the nipples. But once your body adapts to the change in your hormones the tenderness will settle down. One of the early pregnancy symptoms may be if the skin around your nipples gets darker and the small lubricating glands become more prominent with small bumps appearing, this may be a positive symptom that you have successfully conceived.
Frequent urination is also a common problem during pregnancy. This is one of the early pregnancy symptoms that starts in the first few months and then settles down after the 12th week only to come back when there is an increase in the size of the womb as this puts pressure on the bladder and causes frequent urination again.
One of the early pregnancy symptoms is normally morning sickness this may not hit you until a few weeks into conception. A lucky few escape it altogether. But, you may begin feeling nauseated and queasy as early as a couple of days following conception. This may not just occur in the morning but this early pregnancy symptoms related nausea can be a problem any time of the day, morning, noon, or night. You may also notice that your sense of taste and smell changes.
Early pregnancy symptoms can be certain food cravings and if you have these cravings in combination with the other symptoms then the chances are that you are pregnant. With these early pregnancy symptoms it can be hard to keep a balanced diet but if you try to eat balanced meals consisting of pasta, chicken, vegetable or fruit you will not get hungry so soon after your meal. Make sure to include protein and carbohydrate such as whole oats and brown rice. Other foods to start eating during your early pregnancy for your nutritional health is salmon, roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables.
With early pregnancy symptoms you might get the feeling of hunger but it can just as easily be thirst as we often mistake that hungry feeling in the stomach. Pregnant women need to drink a lot and if you don’t want to drink so much water try to ad a little fruit juice or lemon to give it a bit of flavour. When you feel those early pregnancy symptoms for junk food cravings coming on, work through them by distracting yourself with an activity or opting for something healthier like yogurt, fruits and fresh salads.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
< John 8:1-12 >
"But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. But early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, 'Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?' This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, 'He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.' And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, 'Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?' She said, 'No one, Lord.' And Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.' Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 'I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.'"
How much sin
did Jesus blot out?
All the sins of the world
Jesus gave us eternal redemption. There is no one in this world who cannot be redeemed if anyone believes in Jesus as his/her Savior. He redeemed us all. If there is a sinner who agonizes over his/her sins, it is because of the person's misconception of how Jesus has delivered him/her from all sins with His baptism and crucifixion.
We should all know and believe in the secret of salvation. Jesus took over all our sins with His baptism and has born the judgment for our sins by dying on the Cross.
You should believe in the salvation of the water and the Spirit; the eternal redemption from all sins. You should believe in His great love that has already made you righteous. Believe in what He has done for your salvation at the Jordan river and on the Cross.
Jesus knew about all our concealed sins, too. Some people have a misconception about sin. They think that some sins cannot be redeemed. Jesus has redeemed all sins, every single one of them.
There is not a sin in this world that He has left out. Because He has blotted out all the sins in this world, the truth is that there are no more sinners. Do you realize that the gospel has redeemed all your sins, even your future sins? Believe in it and be saved, and give all of the glory to God.
The Woman Who Was Caught in the Act of Adultery
How many people
in the world
commit adultery?
All of them
In John 8, there is a story of a woman who was caught in the act of adultery and we see how Jesus saved her. We'd like to share the grace that she received. It isn't too much to say that all human beings commit adultery at some point in their lives. Every single person commits adultery.
If you don't think so, it is only because we do it so often that it appears as though we don't. Why? We live with so much adultery in our lives.
Taking a look at the woman in John 8, I contemplate on whether or not there is a person among us who hasn't committed adultery. There is no one who has not committed adultery, just as the woman who was caught in the act of adultery. All of us have done it, but we pretend that we haven't.
Do you think I am wrong? No, I am not. Look carefully within. Everyone on the face of the earth has done it. They commit adultery while gazing at women on the street, in their thoughts and in their acts, anytime, anywhere.
They just don't realize they are doing it. There are a lot of people who don't realize until the day they die that they have innumerably committed adultery throughout their lives. Not just those who have been caught, but all of us who have never been caught. All people do it in their minds, and in their acts. Is this not a part of our lives?
Are you upset? It is the truth. We are just discreet about it because we are embarrassed. The truth is that people these days commit adultery all the time, but do not realize that they are doing it.
People commit adultery in their souls, too. We, who were created by God, live on this earth without ever realizing that we also commit spiritual adultery. Worshiping other gods is the same as committing spiritual adultery because the Lord is the only Husband of all mankind.
The woman who was caught in the act was a human being, just like the rest of us, and she received the grace of God, just as we who were redeemed did. But the hypocritical Pharisees made her stand in their presence and pointed fingers at her as if they were judges, about to throw stones at her. They were about to rebuke and judge her as if they themselves were pure, and had never committed adultery.
Fellow Christians, those who know themselves to be a mass of sin do not judge others before God. Rather, knowing that they, too, commit adultery all their lives, they receive the grace of God which has redeemed us all. Only those who realize that they are sinners who have committed adultery all along are eligible to be redeemed before God.
Who Receives God's Grace?
Who receives
God's grace?
The unworthy
Does one who lives purely without committing adultery receive His grace, or does the unworthy one who admits oneself to be so sinful receive His grace? The one who receives grace is the one who receives the abundant grace of His redemption. Those who cannot help themselves, the weak and helpless, receive redemption. They are the ones who are in His grace.
Those who think that they are without sin cannot be redeemed. How can they receive the grace of His redemption when there is nothing to redeem?
The scribes and Pharisees dragged the woman who had been caught in the act of adultery before Jesus and set her in their midst and asked Him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now, what do You say?" Why did they bring the woman before Him and test Him?
They themselves had also committed adultery many times, but they were trying to judge and kill her through Jesus while trying to put the blame on Him.
Jesus knew what was on their minds and knew all about the woman. So He said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." Then the scribes and Pharisees, starting from the oldest to the youngest, left one by one and only Jesus and the woman were left.
The ones who left were the scribes and Pharisees, the religious leaders. They were about to judge the woman who had been caught in the very act of adultery, as if they themselves were not sinners.
Jesus proclaimed His love in this world. He was the Host of love. Jesus gave people food, brought back the dead, gave life back to the son of a widow, revived Lazarus of Bethany, healed lepers, and performed miracles for the poor. He took all the sins of sinners away and gave them salvation.
Jesus loves us. He is the almighty One who can do anything, but the Pharisees and scribes thought Him to be their enemy. That is why they brought the woman before Him and tested Him.
They asked, "Teacher, Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" They thought that He would tell them to stone her. Why? If we were to judge according to what is written in the law of God, everyone who has committed adultery would be stoned to death without exception.
All have to be stoned to death and all are destined to go to hell. The wages of sin is death. However, Jesus didn't tell them to stone her. Instead, He said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first."
Why did God give us
the 613 articles of the Law?
To make us realize that
we are sinners
The Law brings about wrath. God is holy and so is His Law. This Holy Law came to us in 613 articles. The reason God has given us 613 articles of the Law is to make us realize that we are sinners; that we are incomplete beings. It teaches us that we have to long for God's grace to be redeemed. If we didn't know this and thought about only what was written in the Law, we would've had to be stoned to death, just as the woman who was caught in the act.
The scribes and Pharisees who didn't know the truth of His Law might have thought that they could throw stones at the woman and, probably at us, too. But, who could dare to throw stones at a helpless woman as the same sinful being? Even if she was caught in the act, no one in this world could throw stones at her.
If the woman and each one of us were judged only according to the Law, we, as well as the woman, would have received a terrible judgment. But Jesus saved us, we who are sinners, from our sins and from the just judgment. With all our sins, if the law of God is applied strictly to the letter, who among us could stay alive? Every single one of us would end up in hell.
But the scribes and Pharisees knew of the Law only as it was written. If His Law was applied correctly, it would kill them just as surely as the one judged by them. In fact, the law of God was given to men so that they could realize their sins, but they have suffered because they have misunderstood and misapplied it.
The Pharisees of today, just as the Pharisees in the Bible, only know the Law as it is written. They should understand the grace, the justice and the truth of God. They have to be taught the gospel of redemption to be saved.
The Pharisees said, "The law commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" They asked, confidently holding their stones. They thought for sure that Jesus wouldn't have anything to say about it. They were waiting for Jesus to take their bait.
If Jesus had judged according to the Law, they would also have stoned him. Their purpose was to stone both of the woman and Jesus. If Jesus had said not to stone the woman, they would have said that Jesus scorned the Law of God, and stoned Him for blasphemy. It was a terrible plot!
But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, and they continued asking Him, "What do You say? What are You writing on the ground? Just answer our question. What do You say?" They pointed their fingers at Jesus and kept harassing Him.
Then, Jesus stood up and told them that the one among them without sin should throw a stone at her first. Then He stooped down and continued writing on the ground. Those who heard it, being convicted by their consciences, left one by one, beginning with the oldest, to the very last person. Jesus was left alone, with the woman standing in His presence.
"He Who Is without Sin among You, Let Him Throw a Stone at Her First"
Where are sins
On the tablet of our hearts
and in the Books of Works
Jesus told them, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first," and He kept on writing on the ground. A couple of older ones started to walk away. The older Pharisees, who had committed more sins, might go away first. The young ones left as well. Let's suppose Jesus was standing among us, and we were standing around the woman. If Jesus had said to us that one who was among us should throw a stone first, what would you have done?
What had Jesus been writing on the ground? God, who created us, writes our sins in two different places.
First, He writes our sins on the tablet of our hearts. "The sins of Judah is written with a pen of iron; with the point of a diamond it is engraved on the tablet of their heart, and on the horns of your altars" (Jeremiah 17:1).
God talks to us through Judah, who is our representative. The sins of human beings are engraved with a pen of iron, with the point of a diamond. They are recorded on the tablet of our hearts. Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground that all men are sinners.
God knows that we sin and He engraves sins on the tablet of our hearts. First, He records our works, the sins that are committed, because we are fragile before the Law. As the sins are recorded in our hearts, we realize that we are sinners when we look at the Law. Since He recorded them in our hearts and consciences, we know that we are sinners before Him.
Jesus stooped down the second time to write on the ground. The Scripture also says that all our sins are recorded in the Books of Works before God (Revelation 20:12). Every sinner's name and his/her sins are recorded in the Book. They are also recorded on the tablet of the person's heart. Our sins are recorded both in the Book of Works and on the tablet of our hearts.
The sins are recorded on the tablet of everyone's heart, young or old. That is why they had nothing to say about their sin before Jesus. They, who tried to stone the woman, were helpless before His words.
When are our sins which are
recorded in two places erased?
When we accept the redemption of the water
and the blood of Jesus in our hearts.
However, when you receive His salvation, all your sins in the Book of Works are erased and your name will be listed in the Book of Life. Those whose names appear in the Book of Life go to Heaven. Their good deeds, the things they have done in this world for the kingdom of God and His righteousness are also recorded in the Book of Life. They are accepted into Heaven. Those who are delivered from their sins will enter the place of eternity.
Remember that all the sins of every person are recorded in two places, so no one can deceive God. There isn't anyone who has not sinned or committed adultery in his or her heart. All people are sinners and are imperfect.
Those who have not accepted the redemption of Jesus in their hearts cannot but agonize over their sins. They are not confident. They are afraid of God and others because of their sins. But the moment they accept the gospel of the redemption of the water and the Spirit in their hearts, all the sins recorded on the tablets of their hearts and in the Book of Works are wiped clean. They are delivered from all their sins.
There is the Book of Life in Heaven. The names of those who believe in the redemption of the water and the Spirit are recorded in the book, so they will enter Heaven. They enter Heaven not because they haven't sinned in this world, but because they have been delivered from all their sins by believing in the redemption of the water and the Spirit. It is 'the law of faith' (Romans 3:27).
Fellow Christians, the scribes and Pharisees were sinners, just as the woman who was caught in the very act of adultery was.
In fact, they might have committed more sins because they deceived themselves and other people into believing that they were not sinners. The religious leaders were thieves with formal permits. They were thieves of souls, in other words, the thieves of life. They dared to teach others authoritatively, even though they themselves had not yet been redeemed.
There is no one who is without sin according to the Law. But a person can become righteous, not because he/she has not committed sin, but because he/she has been redeemed from all sins. Such a person is recorded in the Book of Life. The important thing is whether one's name has been recorded in the Book of Life or not. Since people cannot live without committing sins all their lives, they must eternally be redeemed in order to be recorded in the book.
Whether you will be accepted into Heaven depends upon whether you believe in the true gospel or not. Whether or not you receive the grace of God depends upon your acceptance of Jesus' salvation. What happened to the woman who was caught? She might have thrown herself down on her knees and closed her eyes because she knew she was going to die. She was probably crying in fear and repentance. People become honest with themselves when they face death.
"Oh, God, it is proper that I have to die. Please accept my soul into Thy hands, and take pity on me. Please take pity on me, Jesus." She pleaded to Jesus for the love of redemption. "God, if You judge me, I will be judged, and if You say I am without sin, then my sins will be erased. It is up to You." She was probably saying all of these things. She may have confessed that everything was left up to Jesus.
The woman who was brought before Jesus didn't say, "I did wrong, please forgive me for my adultery." She said, "Please save me from my sins. If You redeem my sins, I will be saved. If not, I will go to hell. I need your redemption. I need the love of God, and I need Him to take pity on me." She closed her eyes and confessed her sinfulness.
And Jesus asked her, "Where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" She answered, "No one, Lord."
And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you." Jesus didn't condemn her because He had already taken away all her sins through His baptism at the Jordan river, and she was already redeemed. Now, Jesus, not the woman, had to be judged for her sins.
He Said, " Neither Do I Condemn You."
Was she condemned
by Jesus?
This woman was blessed with the salvation in Jesus. She was redeemed of all her sins. Our Lord Jesus tells us that He redeemed all our sins and that we are all righteous.
He tells us so in the Bible. He died on the Cross to pay for our sins, which He took away with His baptism at the Jordan River. He clearly tells us that He redeemed all who believe in the redemption of His baptism and judgment on the Cross. All of us need the written Word of Jesus and need to hold on to the Word. Then, we will all be blessed with redemption.
"God, I have no merit before You. I have nothing good inside me. I have nothing to show You but my sins. But I believe that Jesus is my Lord of redemption. He took away all my sins at the Jordan River and atoned for them on the Cross. He took away all my sins with His baptism and His blood. I do believe in You, Lord."
This is how you are saved. Jesus does not 'condemn us.' He gave us the right to be God's children: To those who believe in the redemption of the water and the Spirit, He has taken away all their sins and made them righteous.
Dear friends! The woman was redeemed. The woman who was caught in adultery was blessed with the redemption of our Lord Jesus. We can also be blessed like that. Anyone who knows of his/her sins and asks God to take pity on him/her, and anyone who believes in the redemption of the water and the Spirit in Jesus receives the blessing of redemption from God. Those who admit their sinfulness before God can be redeemed, but those who do not realize their own sins cannot be blessed with redemption.
Jesus took away the sins of the world (John 1:29). Any sinner in the world can be redeemed if he/she believes in Jesus. Jesus said to the woman, "Neither do I condemn you." He said that He did not condemn her because all her sins had already been born onto Him through His baptism. He took all our sins onto Himself, and He was judged for them instead of us.
We Have to Be Redeemed before Jesus
Which is greater, the
love of God or the
judgment of God?
The love of God
The Pharisees, with stones in their hands, as well as the religious leaders of today, interpret the Law to the letter. They believe that since the Law tells us not to commit adultery, one who commits such sins will be stoned to death. They steal a glance at women with lewd eyes while pretending not to commit adultery. They cannot be redeemed nor saved. The Pharisees and scribes were the moralists of this world. They were not the ones Jesus called. These people never heard from Him, "I will not condemn you."
Only the woman who was caught in adultery heard those joyous words. If you are honest before Him, you can also be blessed like her. "God, I cannot but commit adultery all my life. That I am not aware of it is just because I do it so often. I commit such a sin several times each day."
When we accept the Law and the fact that we are sinners who must die and honestly face God, saying, "God, this is what I am. Please save me," God will bless us with His redemption.
The love of Jesus, the gospel of the water and the Spirit has won over the just judgment of God. "Neither do I condemn you." He does not condemn us. He says, "You are redeemed." Our Lord Jesus Christ is the God of compassion. He has delivered us from all the sins of the world.
Our God is the God of Justice and the God of Love. The love of the water and the Spirit is even greater than His judgment.
His Love Is Greater Than His Justice
Why did He
redeem us all?
Because His love is greater
than His justice.
If God had enforced His judgment to complete His justice, He would have judged all sinners and sent them to hell. But because the love of Jesus, which saves us from the judgment, is greater, God sent His only Son, Jesus. Jesus took all our sins onto Himself and received just judgment for all of us. Now, anyone who believes in Jesus as their Savior becomes His child and righteous. Since His love is greater than His justice, He redeemed us all.
We must thank God that He doesn't judge us only with His justice. Once Jesus told the scribes, the Pharisees, and their disciples, "But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance" (Matthew 9:13). Some people may still kill a cow or a goat everyday and offer it before God, praying, "God, forgive my sins everyday." God does not want our offerings, but rather, our belief in the redemption of the water and the Spirit. He wants us to be redeemed and delivered. He wants to give us His love and accept our faiths. Can you all see this? Jesus has given us His perfect salvation.
Jesus hates sin, but He has a burning love for human beings, who were created in the image of God. He had decided even before Creation to make us His children, and blotted out all our sins with His baptism and blood. God created us to eventually redeem us, to clothe us in Jesus, and to make us His children. This is the love He has for us, His creations.
If God only judged us according to His just Law, we, the sinners, would all have to die. But He delivered us through the baptism and the judgment of His Son at the Cross. Do you believe? Let's confirm it in the Old Testament.
Aaron Laid His Hands on the Scapegoat
Who passed the sins of
Israel on to the live goat
as their representative?
The High Priest
All the sins of this world were expiated through the faith in the ordination of the Old Testament and the baptism of the New Testament. In the Old Testament, all the yearly sins of Israel were atoned through the High Priest, who laid his hands on the head of a live goat without any blemishes.
"And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man" (Leviticus 16:21).
This is how they were atoned in the days of the Old Testament. To be redeemed from the daily sins, one brought a lamb or a goat without blemishes to the tabernacle and offered it at the altar. He put his hands on the head of the offering, and then his sins were passed on to the sacrifice. Then, the sacrifice was killed and the priest put its blood on the horns of the altar.
There were horns on the four corners of the altar. These horns symbolize the Books of Works written in Revelations 20:12. The sacrifice's remaining blood was sprinkled on the ground too. The ground represented the heart of man because man was created from dust. The people atoned for their daily sins this way.
However, they could not make sin offerings daily, so, God allowed them to be atoned once a year for all their yearly sins. This was performed on the tenth day of the seventh month, the Day of Atonement. On that day, the High Priest, the representative of all Israelites, brought two goats and laid his hands on them to pass all the sins of the people on to them and offered them before God to make atonement for the people of Israel.
"Aaron laid both his hands on the head of the live goat, confessed over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat."
God had appointed Aaron, the High Priest of Israel, to be the representative. Instead of everyone having to lay his hands on the offerings individually, the high priest, as the representative of all people, laid his hands on the head of the live goat for the remission of the year's sins.
He would narrate all the sins of Israel before God, "O God, Your children of Israel have sinned. We have worshiped idols, broken all articles of Thy Law, called Thy name in vain, created other idols and loved them more than Thee. We didn't keep the Sabbath holy, didn't respect our parents, killed, committed adultery and thievery.... We indulged in jealousy and quarrels."
He listed all the sins. "God, neither the people of Israel nor I have been able to keep any of Thy Law. To be redeemed of all these sins, I lay my hands on the head of this goat and pass onto it all those sins." The high priest laid his hands on the offering for all the people and passed all the sins onto the head of the offering. Ordination, or the laying on of hands means 'to pass' (Leviticus 1:1-4, 16:20-21).
How was the atonement
accomplished in the time
of the Old Testament?
Through the laying of hands
on the head of the
sin offering
God had given the sacrificial system to the people of Israel so that they could pass on all their sins and be redeemed. He specified that one should prepare a sin offering without blemishes and that the sin offering should die instead of the person. The redemption of individual sinners was like that.
However, on the Day of Atonement, the sin offering was killed and its blood was taken inside the Holy Place and sprinkled on the mercy seat seven times. Thus, the people of Israel atoned for a year's sin on the tenth day of the seventh month.
The high priest entered the Holy Place alone to offer the sacrifice, but people gathered outside and listened to the sound of the golden bells on the hem of the robe of the ephod of the High Priest. The golden bells rang seven times as the blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat. Then, the people would rejoice that all their sins were atoned. The sound of the golden bells implies the sound of the joyous gospel.
It is not true that Jesus loves some selected people and redeems only them. Jesus took away all the sins of the world all at once with His baptism. He wanted to deliver us once and for all. Our sins could not be redeemed every day, so they were blotted out all at once.
In the Old Testament, atonement was given through ordination and the blood of the sin offering. Aaron laid his hands on the head of a live goat in front of all the people and listed all the sins that people had committed during the year. He passed the sins onto the goat in front of all Israelites. Where did the sins of the people go after the laying hands of the High Priest on the scapegoat? They were all passed onto the goat.
Then, the goat was led away by a 'suitable man.' The goat, with all the sins of Israel upon it, was led to the desert where there was no water and no grass. The goat, then, would wander the desert under the burning sun and finally die. The goat died for the sins of the Israelites.
This is the love of God, the love of redemption. This is how they atoned for a year's worth of sins in those days. But we are living in the time of the New Testament. It has been about 2000 years since Jesus came down to our world. He came and fulfilled the promise that He had made in the Old Testament. He came and redeemed all our sins.
To Redeem Us All
What's the meaning
The Savior who will save His
people from their sins
Let's read Matthew 1:20-21. "But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins'" (Matthew 1:20-21).
Our Father in Heaven borrowed the Virgin Mary's body to send His Son to this world to wash away all the sins of the world. He sent an angel to Mary and told her, "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS." It meant that the Son coming through Mary would become the Savior. Jesus Christ means the one who will save His people, in other words, the Savior.
Then, how did Jesus save all of us from sin? The way Jesus took away all the sins of the world was through His baptism at the Jordan River. When John the Baptist baptized Him, all the sins of the world were passed onto Him. Let's read Matthew 3:13-17.
"Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And John tried to prevent Him, saying 'I have need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?' But Jesus answered and said to him, 'Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.' Then he allowed Him. Then Jesus, when He had been baptized, came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, 'This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.'"
Jesus went to John the Baptist to redeem all of us from our sins. He walked into the water and lowered His head before John. "John, baptize Me now. It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. As I am to take away all the sins of the world and deliver all sinners from their sins, I need to take away their sins with baptism. Baptize Me now! Allow it!"
Thus, it was fitting to fulfill all righteousness. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River and right at that moment, all the righteousness of God that redeemed our sins was fulfilled.
This is how He took away all our sins. All your sins were passed onto Jesus, too. Do you understand this?
Believe in the redemption of Jesus' baptism and the Spirit and be saved.
How was all
righteousness fulfilled
Through the baptism
of Jesus
God had first promised Israel that all the sins of the world would be washed away with the laying on of hands and the sacrifice of the sin offering. However, as it was impossible for everyone to lay hands on the head of the goat individually, God consecrated Aaron to be the high priest so that he could offer the sacrifice for all the people. Thus, he passed all their yearly sins onto the head of the sin offering all at once. This was His Wisdom and the Power of redemption. God is wise and amazing.
He sent His Son Jesus to save the whole world. So the sin offering was ready. Now, there had to be a representative of all human beings, one who would lay his hands on the head of Jesus and pass on all the sins of the world onto Him. That representative was John the Baptist. It is written in the Bible that God sent the representative of all humankind before Jesus.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Nigeria is an amalgam of ancient Kingdoms, Caliphates, Empires and City-states with a long history of organised societies. Its boundaries were drawn as a result of trade (from slavery to pepper or ivory) and overseas territorial ambitions of Western European powers in the 19 th century. The name Nigeria was adopted in 1898 to designate the British Protectorates on the River Niger.
Description of the Coat of Arms
At the top of the coat of arms is an eagle, red in colour and mounted on a wreath which is rendered in the national colours.
The eagle and wreath rest on a black shield with a Y-shaped silver coloured wavy band in the middle of the black shield.
Two white horses support the shield on either side.
The base on which the shield rests is coctus spectabilis, a wild flower that grows in many parts of the country.
Underneath all these is the motto of the country: "Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress."
Symbolism of Flag Elements
The red eagle depicts Nigeria's strength.
The black shield signifies the fortuitous qualities of the land in agricultural, mineral and solid resources.
The Y-shaped silver coloured wavy band in the middle of the black shield represents the two major rivers in the country, River Niger and River Benue.
The two white horses signify dignity.
Nigerian National Pledge
I pledge to Nigeria my Country
To be faithful, loyal and honest
To serve Nigeria with all my strength
To defend her unity
And uphold her honour and glory
So help me God.
Description of Flag
White vertical stripe sandwiched between two green stripes of equal dimensions.
Symbolism of Flag Elements
White stripe denotes peace and unity and is also symbolic of the Niger River bisecting the countryside.
The green stripes represent agriculture.
Nigerian National Anthem
Version 1
Arise, O compatriots,
Nigeria's call obey
To serve our fatherland
With love and strength and faith
The labour of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom, Peace and unity.
Version 2
Oh God of creation,
Direct our noble cause
Guide our leaders right
Help our youth the truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And living just and true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation
Where peace and justice
Shall reign.
Nigeria today: The Fourth Republic
On May 29, 1999, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was sworn in as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This follows his victory at the presidential polls conducted in 1999 and 2003. Elected civilian Governors for all the 36 states also took oaths of office on that day. Nigeria's Fourth Republic consists of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches of government.
Looking back: the Birth of Nigeria
In 1914, the protectorate of Northern Nigeria and the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria were merged by Sir Frederick Lugard. The whole country then became known as the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. Lugard became its first Governor General and ruled till 1919. Nigeria voted for independence in 1959; federal elections were held.
The First Republic (October 1, 1960 - January 15, 1966)
On October 1, 1960, Nigeria gained independence from Britain. An all-Nigerian Executive Council was headed by a Prime Minister, Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. On November 16, 1960, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, a pioneer of West African nationalism, became the first Governor-General of a Federation of three Regions of the North, East and West, with Lagos as the Federal Capital. Each of the Regions was headed by a Premier with a Governor as Ceremonial Head. On October 1, 1963, Nigeria became a Federal Republic and severed whatever ties were left with Britain. She decided, however, to remain in the British Commonwealth of Nations. The Governor-General's position was, therefore, re-designated as President.
Eight military regimes succeeded, beginning in 1966, interspersed between the fourth and fifth military regime by a return to civilian rule with the Second Republic between October 1979 and December, 1983. The final military regime left power on May 29, 1999, when the current Fourth Republic was installed and the president democratically elected president.
It was under the Second Military Regime (July, 1966 To July, 1975) that some of Nigeria's major development programmes were established, such as the extensive expansion and exploitation of Nigeria's mineral resources culminating in the 'Oil Boom', which in no small measure changed the economy, the taste and living standard of many Nigerians. It was also, unfortunately, a time of war: on August 9, 1967, Nigeria declared full-scale war on "Biafra" after its forces had invaded and captured the Mid-West State. With Biafra's collapse in 1970, the region was reunited with the Federal Republic of Nigeria and a period of reconciliation and reconstruction followed.
Other highlights of this period included the introduction of various forms of bursaries, scholarships and Students Loan Scheme in the 1970s; a government review programme for the improvement in salaries and wages; the Nigerianisation Decree compelling all foreign firms operating in Nigeria to nationalise or leave; the changing of road traffic from left to right-hand drive; the changing of the national currency to Naira and Kobo and the establishment of organised federal councils for the arts, sciences, sports and agriculture. Corruption was a major cause of strife under the military regimes and it took years for Nigeria to get its house in order.
Second Republic leads to a return to military rule
In October 1979, after more than 13 years of military rule, Nigeria was returned to democratic rule. The National Party of Nigeria emerged victorious in the presidential election and Alhaji Shehu Aliyu Shagari was elected the first Executive President. It was not to last. The hunger and poverty that characterised the last days of the Second Republic prompted the Armed Forces to take power in December 1983. Major General Muhammadu Buhari was installed as the new Head of State.
The Buhari Administration identified indiscipline as the bane of the nation's ills. It launched different phases of the "War Against Indiscipline" (WAI), which has become a household word in many Nigerian homes. This too, did not last. Enter the Sixth Military Regime: a bloodless coup d'état on August 27, 1985 ousted the government of Major General Muhammadu Buhari.
The Second Republic (cont)
On December 31, 1983, the military overthrew the Second Republic. Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari emerged as the leader of the Supreme Military Council (SMC), the country's ruling body. He accused the civilian government with economic mismanagement, widespread corruption, election fraud, and a general lack of concern for the problems of Nigerians. He also pledged to restore prosperity to Nigeria and to return the government to civilian rule but proved unable to deal with Nigeria's severe economic problems. The Buhari government was peacefully overthrown by the SMC's third-ranking member, Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, in August 1985.
Babangida cited the misuse of power, violations of human rights by key officers of the SMC, and the government's failure to deal with the country's deepening economic crisis as justifications for the takeover. During his first few days in office, President Babangida moved to restore freedom of the press and to release political detainees being held without charge. As part of a 15-month economic emergency, he announced stringent pay cuts for the military, police, and civil servants and proceeded to enact similar cuts for the private sector. Imports of rice, maize, and later wheat were banned. President Babangida demonstrated his intent to encourage public participation in government decision-making by opening a national debate on proposed economic reform and recovery measures. The public response convinced Babangida of intense opposition to an economic recovery package dependent on an International Monetary Fund (IMF) loan.
The Abortive Third Republic
President Babangida promised to return the country to civilian rule by 1990; this date was later extended until January 1993. In early 1989, a constituent assembly completed work on a constitution for the Third Republic. In the spring of 1989, political activity was again permitted. In October 1989 the government established two "grassroots" parties: the National Republican Convention (NRC), which was to be "a little to the right," and the Social Democratic (SDP), "a little to the left." Other parties were not allowed to register by the Babangida government.
In April 1990, mid-level officers attempted to overthrow the Babangida government. The coup failed, and 69 accused coup plotters were later executed after secret trials before military tribunals. The transition resumed after the failed coup. In December 1990 the first stage of partisan elections was held at the local government level. While turnout was low, there was no violence, and both parties demonstrated strength in all regions of the country, with the SDP winning control of a majority of local government councils.
In December 1991, gubernatorial and state legislative elections were held throughout the country. Babangida decreed in December 1991 that previously banned politicians would be allowed to contest in primaries scheduled for August 1992. These were cancelled due to fraud and subsequent primaries scheduled for September also were cancelled. All announced candidates were disqualified from again standing for president once a new election format was selected. The presidential election was finally held on June 12, 1993, with the inauguration of the new president scheduled to take place August 27, 1993, the eighth anniversary of President Babangida's coming to power.
In the historic June 12, 1993 presidential elections, which most observers deemed to be Nigeria's fairest, early returns indicated that wealthy Yoruba businessman M.K.O. Abiola had won a decisive victory. However, on June 23, Babangida, using several pending lawsuits as a pretence, annulled the election, throwing Nigeria into turmoil. More than 100 persons were killed in riots before Babangida agreed to hand power to an "interim government" on August 27, 1993. Babangida then attempted to renege on his decision. Without popular and military support, he was forced to hand over to Ernest Shonekan, a prominent non-partisan businessman. Shonekan was to rule until new elections, scheduled for February 1994. Although he had led Babangida's Transitional Council since early 1993, Shonekan was unable to reverse Nigeria's ever-growing economic problems or to defuse lingering political tensions.
With the country sliding into chaos, Defense Minister Sani Abacha quickly assumed power and forced Shonekan's "resignation" on November 17, 1993. Abacha dissolved all democratic political institutions and replaced elected governors with military officers. Abacha promised to return the government to civilian rule but refused to announce a timetable until his October 1, 1995 Independence Day address.
Following the annulment of the June 12 election, the United States and other nations imposed various sanctions on Nigeria, including restrictions on travel by government officials and their families and suspension of arms sales and military assistance. Additional sanctions were imposed as a result of Nigeria's failure to gain full certification for its counter-narcotics efforts. In addition, direct flights between Nigeria and the United States were suspended on August 11, 1993, when the Secretary of Transportation determined that Lagos' Murtala Muhammed International Airport did not meet the security standards established by the FAA. The FAA in December 1999 certified security at MMIA, opening the way for operation of direct flights between Lagos and U.S. airports.
Although Abacha's takeover was initially welcomed by many Nigerians, disenchantment grew rapidly. A number of opposition figures united to form a new organization, the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO), which campaigned for an immediate return to civilian rule. The government arrested NADECO members who attempted to reconvene the Senate and other disbanded democratic institutions. Most Nigerians boycotted the elections held from May 23-28, 1994, for delegates to the government-sponsored Constitutional Conference.
On June 11, 1994, using the groundwork laid by NADECO, Abiola declared himself president and went into hiding. He re-emerged and was promptly arrested on June 23. With Abiola in prison and tempers rising, Abacha convened the Constitutional Conference June 27, but it almost immediately went into recess and did not reconvene until July 11, 1994.
On July 4, a petroleum workers union called a strike demanding that Abacha release Abiola and hand over power to him. Other unions then joined the strike, which brought economic life in around Lagos area and in much of the southwest to a standstill. After calling off a threatened general strike in July, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) reconsidered a general strike in August, after the government imposed "conditions" on Abiola's release. On August 17, 1994, the government dismissed the leadership of the NLC and the petroleum unions, placed the unions under appointed administrators, and arrested Frank Kokori and other labour leaders. Although striking unions returned to work, the government arrested opponents, closed media houses, and moved strongly to curb dissent.
The government alleged in early 1995 that some 40 military officers and civilians were engaged in a coup plot. Security officers quickly rounded up the accused, including former Head of State Obasanjo and his erstwhile deputy, retired Gen. Shehu Musa Yar'Adua. After a secret tribunal, most of the accused were convicted, and several death sentences were handed down. The tribunal also charged, convicted, and sentenced prominent human rights activists, journalists, and others--including relatives of the coup suspects--for their alleged "anti-regime" activities. In October, the government announced that the Provisional Ruling Council (PRC--see below: Abubakar's Transition to Civilian Rule) and Abacha had approved final sentences for those convicted of participation in the coup plot.
In late 1994 the Abacha government set up the Ogoni Civil Disturbances Special Tribunal to try prominent author and Ogoni activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and others for their alleged roles in the killings of four prominent Ogoni politicians in May 1994. Saro-Wiwa and 14 others pleaded not guilty to charges that they procured and counselled others to murder the politicians. On October 31, 1995, the tribunal sentenced Saro-Wiwa and eight others to death by hanging. In early November Abacha and the PRC confirmed the death sentence. Saro-Wiwa and his eight co-defendants were executed on November 10.
In October 1, 1995, Gen. Sani Abacha announced the timetable for a 3-year transition to civilian rule. Only five of the political parties which applied for registration were approved by the regime. In local elections held in December 1997, turnout was under 10%. By the April 1998 state assembly and gubernatorial elections, all five of the approved parties had nominated Abacha as their presidential candidate in controversial party conventions. Public reaction to this development in the transition program was apathy and a near-complete boycott of the elections.
On December 21, 1997, the government announced the arrest of the country's second highest-ranking military officer, Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Oladipo Diya, 10 other officers, and eight civilians on charges of coup plotting. Subsequently, the government arrested a number of additional persons for roles in the purported coup plot and tried the accused before a closed-door military tribunal in April in which Diya and eight others were sentenced to death.
Abacha, widely expected to succeed himself as a civilian president on October 1, 1998, remained head of state until his death on June 8 of that year. He was replaced by Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar, who had been third in command until the arrest of Diya. The PRC, under new head of state Abubakar, commuted the sentences of those accused in the alleged 1997 coup in July 1998. In March 1999, Diya and 54 others accused or convicted of participation in coups in 1990, 1995, and 1997 were released. Following the death of former head of state Abacha in June, Nigeria released almost all known civilian political detainees, including the Ogoni 19.
During the Abacha regime, the government continued to enforce its arbitrary authority through the federal security system--the military, the state security service, and the courts. Under Abacha, all branches of the security forces committed serious human rights abuses. After Abubakar's assumption of power and consolidation of support within the PRC, human rights abuses decreased. Other human rights problems included infringements on freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, and travel; violence and discrimination against women; and female genital mutilation.
Worker rights suffered as the government continued to interfere with organized labour by restricting the fundamental rights of association and the independence of the labour movement. After it came to power in June 1998, the Abubakar government took several important steps toward restoring worker rights and freedom of association for trade unions, which had deteriorated seriously between 1993 and June 1998 under the Abacha regime. The Abubakar government released two imprisoned leaders of the petroleum sector unions, Frank Kokori and Milton Dabibi; abolished two decrees that had removed elected leadership from the Nigeria Labour Congress and the oil workers unions; and allowed leadership elections in these bodies.
Abubakar's Transition to Civilian Rule
During both the Abacha and Abubakar eras, Nigeria's main decision making organ was the exclusively military Provisional Ruling Council (PRC) which governed by decree. The PRC oversaw the 32-member federal executive council composed of civilians and military officers. Pending the promulgation of the constitution written by the constitutional conference in 1995, the government observed some provisions of the 1979 and 1989 constitutions. Neither Abacha nor Abubakar lifted the decree suspending the 1979 constitution, and the 1989 constitution was not implemented. The judiciary's authority and independence was significantly impaired during the Abacha era by the military regime's arrogation of judicial power and prohibition of court review of its action. The court system continued to be hampered by corruption and lack of resources after Abacha's death. In an attempt to alleviate such problems, Abubakar's government implemented a civil service pay raise and other reforms.
In August 1998, the Abubakar government appointed the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct elections for local government councils, state legislatures and governors, the national assembly, and president. NEC successfully held these elections on December 5, 1998, January 9, 1999, February 20, and February 27, 1999, respectively. For the local elections, a total of nine parties were granted provisional registration, with three fulfilling the requirements to contest the following elections. These parties were the People's Democratic Party (PDP), the All Peoples Party (APP), and the predominantly Yoruba Alliance for Democracy (AD). Former military head of state Olusegun Obasanjo, freed from prison by Abubakar, ran as a civilian candidate and won the presidential election. Irregularities marred the vote, and the defeated candidate, Chief Olu Falae, challenged the electoral results and Obasanjo's victory in court.
The PRC promulgated a new constitution based largely on the suspended 1979 constitution, before the May 29, 1999 inauguration of the new civilian president. The constitution includes provisions for a bicameral legislature, the National Assembly, consisting of a 360-member House of Representatives and a 109-member Senate. The executive branch and the office of president will retain strong federal powers. The legislature and judiciary, having suffered years of neglect, must be rebuilt as institutions.
The Obasanjo Administration
The emergence of a democratic Nigeria in May 1999 ended 16 years of consecutive military rule. Olusegun Obasanjo became the steward of a country suffering economic stagnation and the deterioration of most of its democratic institutions. Obasanjo, a former general, was admired for his stand against the Abacha dictatorship, his record of returning the federal government to civilian rule in 1979, and his claim to represent all Nigerians regardless of religion.
The new President took over a country that faced many problems, including a dysfunctional bureaucracy, collapsed infrastructure, and a military that wanted a reward for returning quietly to the barracks. The President moved quickly and retired hundreds of military officers who held political positions, established a blue-ribbon panel to investigate human rights violations, ordered the release of scores of persons held without charge, and rescinded a number of questionable licenses and contracts let by the previous military regimes. The government also moved to recover millions of dollars in funds secreted in overseas accounts by corrupt government officials, particularly the former military dictator Gen. Sani Abacha.
Most civil society leaders and most Nigerians see a marked improvement in human rights and democratic practice under Obasanjo. The press enjoys greater freedom than under previous governments. As Nigeria works out representational democracy, there have been conflicts between the Executive and Legislative branches over major appropriations and other proposed legislation. A sign of federalism has been the growing visibility of state governors and the inherent friction between Abuja and the various state capitals over resource allocation.
Problems of communal violence have confronted the Obasanjo government since its inception. In May 1999 violence erupted in Kaduna State over the succession of an Emir resulting in more than 100 deaths. In November 1999, the army destroyed the town of Odi, Bayelsa State and killed scores of civilians in retaliation for the murder of 12 policemen by a local gang. In Kaduna in February-May 2000 over 1,000 people died in rioting over the introduction of criminal Shar'ia in the State. Hundreds of ethnic Hausa were killed in reprisal attacks in south eastern Nigeria. In September 2001, over 2,000 people were killed in inter-religious rioting in Jos. In October 2001, hundreds were killed and thousands displaced in communal violence that spread across the Middle-Belt states of Benue, Taraba, and Nasarawa. On October 1, 2001, President Obasanjo announced the formation of a National Security Commission to address the issue of communal violence. Currently, Nigeria has three major political parties. National elections and state gubernatorial elections occurred in 2003. Nigeria re-elected Obasanjo as President. The next elections are scheduled for April 2007.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
How To Become An Atomic Blogger & Explode Your Profits.
Starting a blog can prove to be difficult for some people, leaving them frustrated. Then there are others who
do have a blog but with almost no movement, comments or visitors. With blogging you want to stand out from
the massive crowd of millions of bloggers, each wanting to be one of the few hundred thousand blogs that are
actually visited.
The funny thing is many people are still asking this question, what is a blog? While most already know what
is a blog, I believe it is a good idea for us to really refresh this topic so that everyone has a better
understanding of this amazing worldwide practice of blogging.
A blog is an internet-based tool that performs like an informative super online journal. It is well organized,
easily accessible and usefully interactive. Very easy to use, a blog is like having your own website to where
you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, maybe sell some of your own products and/or services.
Blogs are used to enhance communication and culture, it can be used for marketing, branding and public
relations. They are not easily controlled like that of broadcasting or even print media, but like them, blogs
have a deep desire for an audience.
Blogging has become so common that you're just as likely to find a blog from a 18 year old kid back packing
through Europe publicly journalizing his travels, as you are to find one featuring your neighbor marketing his
business online.
In this report you will learn is how to set up your blog, optimizing and monetizing it. You will now be able to
use this information over and over again, building as many monetized blogs as you would like.
Hosting Your Blog vs A Free Blog
Free Blogs
The key advantages to free blogging websites is that they are free, getting started is very easy and it takes
almost no time to setup. Sites like, Yahoo 360 and provides you the opportunity
of getting started online with out any out of pocket cost.
Now the great services provided by these popular free blogging sites do have some negative factors to
consider. When putting your website on a free blogging service they basically own your website’s
address and has the right to alter your content to suite their needs.
Now this is something you do not wanting happening especially if you are planning on using this site for
business. Quite honestly, free website hosting is more suitable for personal blogging or commentary websites
which do not feature critical business content.
Hosting Your Blog
With hosting your own site, the key advantage is control. You have complete control over your website to
include the content and design. Hosting your own blog can be more personalized in terms of choosing a
domain name, and you can manage your content using exactly the same software as the free solutions but
without having to worry about other people editing it.
The following is a list of what you will need to get started with hosting your own blog:
• A domain name (can be purchased for about $10.00/year). Check sites like,, for purchasing your domains.
• Blogging software, you can get this for free at (Wordpress is without a doubt the best
platform out there)
• You then want to acquire your hosting account (can be approximate $40 to $100/year). Check out
Hostgator, they are great for hosting Wordpress blogs..
Really, your best chances are with hosting your own blog giving you the full control needed to run your
business the way you want to. Also, an easier process of doing this is for you can check out Atomic Blogging.
It will allow you to declare your independence from programmers as you discover how you can set up your
own blog in minutes and update your blog in a flash. We will talk more about Atomic Blogging later on.
Optimizing Your Blog
Now don't confuse optimizing your blog with search engine optimization (SEO), there is a bit of a difference.
Most blogs run off standard platforms like your own hosting account or hosted through someone else's
domain, with unique designs to the blog, among other things, which can impact your rankings.
The good thing is, you are on the right track to having your blog rank well, while not hindering your visitor’s
experience on your site. There are things you can definitely adjust, preventing any indexing issues from
occurring, plus ensuring your blog is surviving an excellent existence within the search engines.
Here are some great tips for optimizing your blog:
1. Take advantage of free blog templates, customizing it a bit with either your company logo or slightly
changing the colors, dumping your default template. You want your visitors to at least find it appealing.
Note: Watch your color scheme. Try to keep a somewhat professional look and feel
2. Offer RSS and feed subscription to your blog making it easy for your visitors to subscribe.
3. Make sure your blog provides easy navigation to your visitors allowing them quick and easy access to
the information on your blog. Avoid cluttering and widget overload.
4. Post often allowing Google and other bots to visit you more often, but more importantly keep your
stories unique adding any necessary backlinks.
5. When a new blog entry is added, pinging sites like Technorati, FeedBurner and now Google's Blog
Search, lets them know you have a brand new blog entry on your site. Add ping-o-matic to your blog
for automatic pings to your favorite sites.
Monetizing Your Blog
Once your blog is up and running you, want to find the quickest and easiest way of monetizing it.
Affiliate Programs offers ways to profit from some of the internet marketers in the business regardless of
their niche. You do want to keep your affiliate programs relevant to your niche without and with over crowding
it with different affiliate products. You can find great affiliate products with accounts from Amazon Associates,
Clickbank (see Atomic Blogging), PayDotCom, Commission Junction, iTunes Affiliates, just to name few.
Paid Content provides a good method for monetizing your blog as long as it is useful and informative
content. This content can be provided through different avenues such as e-books, reports, videos and/or
podcasting. Some bloggers also review other people's products for a fee.
Contextual Advetising like Google Adsense and the Yahoo! Publisher Network, will let you serve ads that
are relevant to your content, and you'll get paid per click your blog generates.
Creating A Mailing List to sell your produts has proven to be very beneficial if done correctly. You basically
want to create a list of buyers that seeks the products/service you selling. The bigger the list, a better chance
of having sales every time you promote to them. You will definitely need a autoresponder service or list
management company like, and, to assist you in
making process smooth.
Selling your blog is also a great way of monetizing, especially, if you did put a lot of work into the blog and
it's providing amazing stats. You might be able to get an interested by willing to pay quite a lump sum. Atomic
Blogging actually provides you with the means of doing this over and over again, creating monetized blogs
very quickly, with traffic and in any niche. You can decide to either keep the blogs for your own monetizing or
sell for a quick lump sum.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
LOW AS N1000.
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In Nigeria text message is a big revenue earner in the mobile industry.
People love to text and so is money being made by those who are involved in text messaging business. According to, over 15 billion text messages are sent yearly in Nigeria. The numberis still growing as the country's teledensity moves into the 60 and 70 million text messaging subscribers. And since the people love text messaging, both to send and receive, it's growing into one of the most powerful market plat forms in the world after the internet.
Now, not only do ordinary subscribers love text messaging, big and powerful o r g a n i z a t i o n s have come into the foray, using text messaging as a marketing tool – to reach millions of telephone subscribers quicker, cheaper and directly with their advertising promotions. Now with bulk messaging tools online hundreds of GSM subscribers are reached with the same message with the stroke of a button – saving time energy and company resources that are usually wasted in the old and conventional ways of advertising. On this discovery, hundreds of millions of naira would be spent by small, medium and large companies in SMS adve5rtising, marketing and promotion. Apart from the popularity of sms as a quicker, cheaper, personal means of publicity – it has more uses in every business. In
fact any business that wants to keep customers patronizing them needs to use bulk text messaging service. Regularly advertising, like the newspaper take time to get to the consumers, and at times the people you are targeting may not even see your advert. But sms gets directly to their phones and immediately they will read them while some might even call you back for more enquires.
And with the internet bulk sms is made even more useful as companies can brand their text messages with their names to make consumers read them immediately they are received. The internet also makes it easier for you to sell wholesale bulk sms to your customers anywhere in the country. The service works like one opening an email account on yahoo. You will open such accounts for your customer with has all the facilities for sending bulk sms. Once they signs up with you they are your customers as long as that relationship remains.
The question now is what's in it for me? How do I benefit? How do I make money from all these? What is the market outlook like for a sustainable investment? What are the returns on investment? And as these questions juggle your mind, take a look at a business with all possibilities for mega profit – and that is wholesale Bulk sms service. I call it the business for the 'simple" man. If you have been looking for an online business that will make you regular income, I recommend wholesale bulk sms business for you. Trust me, it's a bomb in money making on the internet.
Market Potential
The market potential is huge it's determined by the number of subscriber base in the country, we are now heading for 70 million subscribers out of the population of 140 million, according to 2006 census. Imagine we have grown in the last couple of years gone by already. So, the figures keep growing and that is how the market potential keeps increasing for you to make more profit.
Your Profit Potential
Bulk sms business is a volume driven business – with greater advantage for growing customer base. As a wholesale bulk sms reseller you have a platform that helps you retain your customers – once they sign up with you they are bound to stay with you – buying sms regularly from you. And with the ongoing tread, If you have just 1,000 customers signed up with you, and each of them are able to buy up just 5,000 sms monthly – that's N5, million income – but your profit could be around N500,000 to N 1 Million monthly. Good business isn't it?
Competition & Marketing Challenges
Don't think others are going to fold their hands and watch only you take up the wholesale bulk sms reseller business. No, of course! You are going to face competition like in any other business. At least, you should know you are not the only one reading this step by step guide right now. But, the secret to dealing with competition is to market yourself in such a way it would seem like you are the only one offering that services. Yes! That is what you have to do. And one way to do that is to identify who your target market is and device strategies to keep bombarding them with your offer until all those who would require your service have signed up with you. Here is my step by step guide on How to sell wholesale Bulk sms Online! Follow it religiously and you will never make mistake.
Customized text message from research is one of the laziest ways of making money in Nigeria with no capital requirement and there are a lot of opportunities in this business.
Customized text message services can be described as a way made possible to send SMS in the name of an Organization, Group, Society, Club, Church, Association, Federations, and in the name of an individual who so which to send customized text message to their Members, Friends, Colleagues, Families etc. This message is sent to any phone number or subscriber on any mobile network like Zain, MTN, Glo, Starcomms, Multilinks, Visafone, MTEL, Reltel etc.
It is particularly important to acquire this service and its’ software package which can send message to over 50, 000 subscribers at a go and the message is delivered to them within 15 – 20seconds of sending the message.
Welcome to the world of customized text messaging where you can make a minimum of N50, 000 monthly rendering this service with a start-up capital of just N1, 000.
For purchasing this package from us, you are entitled to having the customized bulk message software. This is attached herewith as the second downloadable free package.
If you have any issue or complain about this package, please do not hesitate to contact us.
As a reseller and agent of the customized text message service, the following benefits are tenable in the business;
1. You can start this service with as low as N1, 000.
2. You can generate regular income forever from individuals, corporate organizations, NGO, Schools, Churches, and Mosques etc.
3. You can expand your service base on your network which will definitely increase your income capacity.
4. You can run this service at your own spare time while keeping your regular pay job.
5. You don’t really need to rely on anybody or middleman except the network provider.
6. You don’t need any initial capital requirement.
7. There’s no discrimination to whosoever wants to go into this business even a ten year old boy can do this business as long as he has knowledge
of this service.
8. This service can be rendered any day at anytime from anywhere provided there’s a network service/internet connection.
9. The service is fast, efficient, effective and very reliable to use.
10. You can send a particular text message to more than 10, 000 people at
the same time and the message is delivered to them in less than
1. Your availability.
2. A mobile phone of your own.
3. A good cyber café or internet connection.
4. An SMS Account with the provider company.
5. A very good, well articulated business plan and price quotation.
6. A Bank Account.
Ok…let me buttress on this points.
Your availability in business is an essential tool to growing and expanding it. This will make you to meet with your prospective client and discuss possible business deal.
A mobile phone in our world of today is a sinequanon to communication in the business world at large. For the opening of your account and the day to day running of this business, you will need to communicate with your clients and/or the network provider who sends you daily or weekly update of your account details.
This service is majorly internet based therefore a good internet connection will be required of you to render a very successful service. As a starter, you can use your local area or community cyber café to operate from and still generate your residual income.
You will need to open an SMS Account with your provider. The good about the company I will be recommending to you is that you can own one account and still use it for several people/company in case you are in charge of sending the message for them.
Your business plan will be the first meeting point between you and your prospective clients and so you need to prepare a very well articulated business plan stating the benefits of your service and the ‘WHY’ they should take up your offer. In your business plan, you must be able to quote a price and remember to be very reasonable with your pricing so as not to scare away your clients with high price tag.
At least for the basic purpose of dealing with Multinational Company, Government parastatals, NGO and Political Party, it is necessary that you own a bank account where your money may be deposited.
All of the stated issues above should be adequately dealt with for any successful entrepreneur.
As earlier stated, a ready market is waiting for you to launch into and it is very necessary to create awareness of your availability.
Here are the ways you can market this service:
1. Create an SMS sample with the customized name of the Individual,
Organization etc you are trying to advertise to after getting at least a phone no of one of their top managers.
2. Write a good money in the Bank guaranty business proposal on this business.
3. Advertise the SMS business to your friends and neighbors by sending text in their name free of charge.
4. Reduce your price charges drastically so as to get more customers for a start.
1. Churches: Churches sends SMS to their first timers, for group meetings, daily motivations, reminders etc.
2. Mosque: Same as above.
3. Banks: Although on this, several Banks have started using this service but you can still penetrate to those Banks and Microfinance Banks that are still coming up who may require this service.
4. Profit making organizations.
5. Non-Governmental Organizations.
6. Schools.
7. Government agencies.
8. Political parties.
9. Private companies.
10. Individuals.
With this in place, you are ready for business…
The following websites are recommended sites where you can send and operate from but website No. 2 below is our guaranteed and our most used website as we’ve being using them for quite a while and they’ve never fail.
We shall be conducting our practical session on these sites in the next Chapter. The good about site No. 2 is that it provides you with the customized text messages software which you can deliver to your client who wish or might want to be sending the message on their own and they will never get to know the name of the site you are using.
How To Sign Up An Account With Www.Kullmessage.Com
1. Log on to the official website.
2. Check the minimum price of opening SMS Account.
3. Pay in to the local Bank account of the Company for your customized text message service.
4. After 24 hours, check your email box for your customized username and password.
Let’s get started…
Under account activation, you will find KULLMESSAGE account details, pay into the account and fill the form below the page and submit. This will aid them in sending your PASSWORD and USERNAME to you after they’ve confirmed the payment.
Note that you must make payment with the name you want to use on the site i.e. the customized name you prefer.
How To Log In
1. Click users’ log in.
2. Fill in your Username and Password.
3. Click log in.
After logging in, you can send single message or bulk message.
How to Customize Single Message
1. Type the phone number of the recipient you are sending to in the format 23480…….. As you can see, after the 234, we omitted the first zero (0) and inserted 80 instead of 080.
2. Enter the desired name of the Company or sender as this will be the customized name that will appear on the recipient phone when he receives the message. This is done under sender.
3. At message type, select text. You can also choose Arabic if you want to send in Arabic.
4. Type your message which must not be more than 160 characters.
5. Click on SEND.
Note: Even if the recipient switches off his/her phone, the message is delivered immediately the phone is put on.
How to Send Bulk Message
As you know you can send bulk message to more than 20, 000 recipients at a go but there’s a way you must arrange those phone numbers for the application to work.
1. Type the phone numbers or any of the office application on your Microsoft Word, Notepad or Word pad.
2. Type the phone numbers vertically downward one after the other with no space or comma such as in this format;
44907……….. (i.e. sending to an international number outside the country with the Country code and the phone number known. Here the country code is 44 and the phone number starts with 907).
3. Save the type phone numbers with a name on your desktop or document.
4. On your KULLMESSAGE Account to sending bulk message, click browse to locate the file you’ve saved earlier and then click open. This saves the phone numbers automatically as recipient.
5. Choose a desired customized name under SENDER.
6. Under message type, select text.
7. Type message which must not be more than 160 characters.
8. Click SEND and wait for reply. If reply says file uploaded successful, then your message has been sent but if not, check the arrangement of your phone numbers and make sure there’s no spacing or comma.
Note: You can check your credit details on the board; you can also check your daily report and monthly summary.
How to Reload Your SMS Account
While reloading, you don’t need to fill the activation form again, only pay into the account of the provider with the user name you use to register the account. Please note that you must not use another name different from the User Log In name to make payment. This may lead to ending order.
For example, let’s assume you are dealing with Dangote Group and you registered Dangote as the User, you are to make payment in that name Dangote to the provider account and not in your own name. This is to know which account to credit.
Although, I’ve attached this software to your package, but you can also download it on your own from the site.
To prevent your clients from knowing the site you are using, KULLMESSAGE has this advantage of where you can download the bulk SMS Software. This software will enable you to send customized text to your friends, clients etc they will never see the name of the site ‘KULLMESSAGE'. They will think it is just the normal software you use in sending the SMS. This software has been programmed with the site and only work when you are connected to the internet.
In other words, after delivering this software to your clients, he/she needs to have internet connection.
On the KULLMESSAGE Platform, click on download, when download opens, the following link will come up;
1. User desktop application download.
2. Blank SMS download.
3. Resale package manual download.
4. Coverage area manual download – This tells how many places KULLMESSAGE covers.
You can download all the four (4) applications to just get familiarized but the most needed is the USER DESKTOP APPLICATION DOWNLOAD. Click on download and save it. When download is completed, click CLOSE.
The software will be readily available wherever you’ve saved it.
To install the software on your system, click on it and next it until to finish.
Sending SMS Using Software
Log in with your USERNAME and PASSWORD. This will search for internet connection on your system and then uploaded. You can send single message and bulk message just as explained earlier.
Always make sure you LOG OUT from your account after each session.
This is a simple way to make a minimum of N50, 000 monthly sending customized text messages in Nigeria and beyond.
We look forward to hearing from you on your progress, obstacles et al and we’re readily on ground to assist you in getting to the top.
How Obafemi Awolowo became the Leader of the Yoruba and its lesson for today.
Otaibayomi Samuel Abayomi
A simmering undercurrent of disaffection is brewing within the Yoruba polity, blown open and exacerbated by the assassination of Chief Ajibola Idowu Ige. This undercurrent was there when Ige was alive. This article is an attempt to offer some suggestions as to how it can be resolved so we [the Yoruba] do not end up in mutual recrimination and socio-political cannibalism. We owe it a duty to our common and much cherished patrimony, the Nigerian commonwealth and the world at large to cultivate, promote and sustain a culture of decent and civil contention and disputation in our politics. Each nationality that make up the Nigerian federation must have peace in its own domain before it can contribute meaningfully in resolving the contradictions of the federal republic. It behooves us all as stakeholders to do all we can to promote peace and concord within our nationalities and the Nigerian family at large.
The choice of the topic is deliberate because the problem centers around the role and place of the holder of the title of the ‘Asiwaju of the Yoruba’ in political partisanship in ‘peace time’
The Yoruba were in disarray, their military governor murdered, their kinsman Babafemi Ogundipe, a Brigadier who ordinarily ought to take command of the army on the assassination of Ironsi, fled when confronted with the murderous reality of the mutineers in
Once their British mentors pointed out to them the folly and bankruptcy of this position, [land-locked and the most economically backward region of
To buttress this point, the Yoruba have only come up with this title when there is a need for a Leader to speak for and articulate the political line of the Yoruba nation [like in 1966] or when they are under siege like during the reign of terror of the late happily departed depraved moron. Hence Adekunle Ajasin filled that role and after his passing, the Apamaku Aderibigbe Adesanya was also so elected. All the three men who have held this title earned it strictly on personal merit and in recognition of service to and defence of the cause of the Yoruba nation. Obafemi Awolowo himself was only fifty-seven years old when the title was conferred on him and there were people who were far older than him at the assembly. So, age which is revered among the Yoruba is not necessarily a major criterion. The integrity, extra-ordinary courage and personal merit of the holder of this title is evident to all regardless of political partisanship. Here is Adeyinka Adebayo, former military governor of Western region and a leader of the NPN in the second republic, [Vanguard Dec 19th, 201], on Awolowo, ’we lost our bearings since Chief Obafemi Awolowo left western region premiership to contest the seat at the federal house of representatives……if Chief Awolowo had stayed as premier of western region…..the Yoruba would not have been relegated to the background in the country’ Chief Ayotunde Rosiji, the General-secretary of the Action Group, [later deputy leader to Chief S.L Akintola in the Nigerian National Democratic party [NNDP] [ who was removed from his position at the unforgettable Jos congress of the party in 1962 that precipitated the crisis that eventually led to the January 1966 coup d’etat, expressed the same views about Awolowo as contained in his biography by Nina Mba [1992], ‘Rosiji regrets that the AG did not win more seats in the 1959 elections so that Awolowo might have been made prime minister. Of all the leaders he was the most qualified by education, by intellect, and by organizational ability.
Had he been prime minister and Azikiwe governor-general, Rosiji feels they would have made an unbeatable team for Azikiwe’s charisma and humaness would have have complemented Awolowo’s single-minded dedication and thoroughness’ OsuOlale Akinjide, easily one of the most inveterate and implacable critic and political opponent of Awolowo told Nigerians in [ThisDay, 2001] that his regret in Nigerian politics was that he was not able to be ‘in the same political party with Chief Obafemi Awolowo’. Adekunle Ajasin was already in his eighties when he took on Sani Abacha and remained unbought and unbowed till the end of his life. Aderibigbe Adesanya earned the sobriquet ‘The Apamaku’ [the one who refused to die] when he faced down the murderous goons of Sani Abacha as testified to by the leader of the assasination squad himself Sergeant Barnabas Jabila Msheila [a.k.a. Sergeant Rogers] on the street of Lagos, and by the grace of God, walked out of his bullet- riddled car unscathed. Sergeant Msheila was led to Adesanya’s home by Lateef Sofolahan, the Abacha spy and informant who was masquerading as an assistant to Kudirat Abiola and was in her employ. We have gone this length to explain the extra-ordinary circumstances that threw up this title and pedigree of its holders.
Indeed, one cannot but wince in disappointment on reading the works of some Nigerian commentators and writers who characterize the politics of the Yoruba as inward-looking or ‘tribal’. These writers betray a gross ignorance of Nigerian political history. What Awolowo and his followers have reaped from 1979 till date, are the fruits of their revolution of 1952-59; when children in western region [comprising today of Oyo,Ondo,Osun, Ogun, Ekiti, Edo, Delta, including much of what is Lagos state today] had free medical service from birth to the age of eighteen and free primary education. It was the beneficiaries and products of these schemes in their millions and their children now, whose lives had been transformed by the meticulous planning and social engineering of Awolowo’s government that made him the paramount leader of the Yoruba, partisan politics or not.. For their parents though, Awolowo had to prove himself and this he did by dint of hard work and unflinching commitment to the welfare of the people of western region when he was the premier. Awo did not believe that you come into public service to ‘come and eat’; for him, a political party is made of ideological compatibles who share same ideas about the role and place of government in people’s life, have come up with a political platform about what they intend to do with the power they are seeking through the vote of the people. Hence, they have a covenant with people who had voted for them and have to deliver what had been promised during electioneering campaign. Thus, he would say that one should not enjoy in government what one could not provide for oneself in private life, so you would not develop a sit-tight syndrome. He also believed in the supremacy of the party where all ideas are fiercely debated before a decision is reached. As premier, his party faced fierce and unrelenting opposition in critical divisions of western region; Ijesha,
The Action Group was the government in power but every vote was contested and there was no place for complacency. The National Council of Nigerian Citizens [NCNC] was strong in western region and infact won the election of 1956. In 1952, Awolowo as leader of government business and later as premier faced a hostile colonial government that viewed him with suspicion and his party’s program with scorn and derision; worse, he faced a skeptical people to whom he had to prove himself and earn their trust. Untested, this was the advent of self-government in
However, as has been explained above, this is a title of unknown exigencies because once partisan politics resumes, the profile and role of the holder is muted. Nonetheless, one thing must be borne in mind always; partisan politics or not, the Yoruba, discerning and fastidious as ever, are eminently adept at differentiating and separating the chaff from the substance. They know who is in politics in search of lucre, position and patronage, personal aggrandizement, hence not every politician can even remotely be considered let alone be chosen to hold this title .For the foreseeable future, as far as the eyes can see, the only known feature of the Nigerian federation is the unknown. Hence this title and its utility under the extant dispensation, cannot be assailed. It is to the eternal credit of Obafemi Awolowo, that the benchmark by which any holder of the title would be assessed was established by him.